
用于广告、电影和电视的免版税管弦乐。这些古典和现代作品配以强劲的铜管乐、富有表现力的小提琴或气势磅礴的合唱,将为您的项目增添独特的魅力。 这个系列包括具有韵律打击和令人震撼的史诗主题,以及能够吸引和激发情感的抒情和富有表现力的作品。

Hollywood-style composition featuring children's choir and melodic strings.

In this Place

Abdelazer Suite

Abdelazer Suite

Orchestral soundtrack.

Building Dreams

Ballet Sylvia.


Inspiring contemporary score featuring cello, rhythmic woodwings and piano.

Our Time

Radetzky March, Strauss.

Radetzky March

Magical orchestral score.

A Wonderful Story

In the Hall of the Mountain King, Grieg.

In the Hall of th..

For a Reason

For a Reason

In Paradisum, Fauré

In Paradisum

Emotive and romantic music score for orchestra.

Beyond the Stars

Ode to Joy, Beethoven.

Ode to Joy

Dynamic soundtrack, classic style, with strings, flutes and harp.

River of Time

Strings soundtrack.

Crossing the Universe

Magical soundtrack suitable for fantasy videos, trailers and creative projects.

Age of Challenges

Creepy soundtrack with orchestra and synths. Great for Halloween videos!


The Room.

The Room