
Ambient-Musik-Loops, 100% lizenzfrei, mit sanften Synthies, Percussion und eleganten Soundeffekten. Diese Tracks in langsamem Tempo sind perfekt als Hintergrundmusik für kreative Videos und Werbespots geeignet.


Kostenlos für persönliche und kommerzielle Projekte, weltweit, für immer.
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"Time Flow", Musik von
Gesponserte Tracks von PremiumBeat: 10% Rabatt - Gutschein FIFTYSOUNDS

Emotional theme featuring flute, guitar and percussion.

April L1

Flöte, gefühlvoll.

Ambient loop with synthesizers and percussion.

Amazing Future L1

Ambient, Gitarre.

Positive and cheerful theme with guitar and drums.

Genuine L1

Positiv, motivierend.

Romantic track with percussion and synthesizers.

A Short Story L1

Romantisch, emotional.

Royalty free looping background music for videos.

Genuine L2


Ambient loop perfect as background music.

Night and Day L1

Urban, stilvoll, modern.

Ambinent music with sound effects and modern synths.

Night and Day L2

Urban, Synthesizer.

Ambient loop perfect for YouTube videos and spots.

Night and Day L3

Elektronisch, Loop.

Loop music with acoustic piano, organ and percussion.

Time Flow L1

Akustisches Klavier.

Brano rilassante con chitarre emozionali.

Keep Smiling L1

Entspannend, emotional.

Loop creativo e d'atmosfera con sintetizzatori.

Northern Lights L1

Kreativ, stimmungsvoll.

Tema morbido con voci femminili e chitarra.

Russian Doll L1

Sanft, elegant, süß.

36 seconds loop with rhythmic strings and synths.

Good Times L1

Rhythmik, Synthesizer.

Modern music loop with guitar and synthesizers.

Oceans on Sand L1

Modern, anspruchsvoll.