Kurze Bearbeitungen

Kurze Ausgaben und Versionen einiger Songs aus dem Katalog, einschließlich 30- und 60-Sekunden-Tracks, sowie kleinere Variationen in der Struktur der Musikstücke.


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"Time Flow", Musik von https://www.fiftysounds.com/de/
Gesponserte Tracks von PremiumBeat: 10% Rabatt - Gutschein FIFTYSOUNDS

Positive and inspiring tune with ukulele.

A Day to Remember SE

Happy kids music.

A Dog's Life SE

Emotional piano composition for films and slideshows.

A Long Walk SE

Carefree, optimistic tune featuring ukulele, whistle, bells and acoustic percussion.

A World of Color SE

Positive music.

A Part of Us SE

Magical Celtic composition.

Returning Home SE

Casual pop song.

Acid Place SE

Emotional Japanese track with shakuhachi.

Ancestral Spirits SE

Beautiful classical score with mezzo-soprano.

Toujours SE

Stylish corporate music with guitars, modern synthesizers and percussion.

Amazing Future SE

Emotive Celtic composition.

Echoes of Ireland SE

Track with arabic and persian instruments, such as kanún, ney, saz or tambur.

Alliances SE

Powerful pop track with electric guitar.

Cloudless Days SE

Funny children song.

Dogs and Cats SE

Upbeat and lively pop tune featuring acoustic and vintage guitars and drums.

Feel the Energy SE

Electronic track.

First Class SE

Modern ambient track.

Future Plans SE

Modern ambient track.

Good Night Moon, Good Night Stars SE

Happy, carefree track with funny flute, bass clarinet and mixed percussion.

Good Vibes SE

Positive and inspiring music featuring ukulele, bells and percussion.

Happy Day SE