Lizenzfreie Filmmusik

Alle Tracks sind kostenlos und bereit zur Nutzung für private wie auch kommerzielle Projekte. Laden Sie lizenzfreie cineastische Musik, inspirierende Film-Scores und Soundtracks für Filme, Dokumentationen und unvergessliche Trailer herunter.


Kostenlos für persönliche und kommerzielle Projekte, weltweit, für immer.
Bedingung zur Nutzung ist die Namensnennung. Um unsere Musik zu verwenden, müssen Sie FiftySounds als Urheber nennen. Beispiel:
"The Wild Side", Musik von
Gesponserte Tracks von PremiumBeat: 10% Rabatt - Gutschein FIFTYSOUNDS

Emotional score featuring piano and melodic violin.

Needle in a Haystack

Traurigkeit, Melancholie, Klavier, Streicher.

Powerful cinematic score with orchestra and choir.

The Revelation

Kraftvoll, Kampf, Krieg, Action, großartig.

Modern cinematic score with strings and percussion. Sad and nostalgic.

After You

Cinematic, dramatisch, Streicher, emotional.

Vocal soundtrack.


Frauenstimme, Orchester, Chor, Emotion.

Emotional soundtrack featuring delicate female voice, cello and underlying strings.

Everyone has a Story

Romantisch, emotional, süß, Streicher, filmisch.

Magical and dreamy soundtrack for fantasy movies and Christmas videos.

The Music Box

Fantastisch, inspirierend, Magisch, Chor, Glocken.

Romantic score that combines acoustic instruments with smooth synthesizers.


Romantisch, Synthesizer, akustisches Klavier, Liebe.

Epic royalty free music with powerful orchestra for action and adventure movies.

Heart of Warrior

Abenteuer, Action, Dynamik, Krieger, Szene.

Mysterious music track, perfect for cinematic projects, cartoons or animation.

The Haunted Castle

Geheimnisvoll, Glocken, Kinder, Chor, Fantasie.

Mysterious music track with synths, perfect for trailers and horror films.

Orange Button

Kraftvoll, Trailer, episch, beängstigend, dramatisch.

Beautiful classical score with mezzo-soprano.

The Funniest Secret

Oboe, Pizzicatos, lustig, Komödie, Tanz.

Powerful track with synthesizers, electronic percussion and sound effects.

Dirty Deals

Percussion, Synthesizer, Schlagzeug, rhythmisch.

Dark cinematic score featuring acoustic piano effects and distorted guitar.

Crossing the Line

Dunkel, cineastisch, Angst, Halloween, gruselig.

Inspiring orchestral score with rhythmic strings, bells and powerful brass.

A Thousand Years

Inspirierend, motivierend, episch, rhythmisch.

Dramatic soundtrack with harp and melodic violin. Conveys sadness and emotion.

From the Suburbs

Dramatisch, melodisch, Harfe, Geige, traurig.

Soft and relaxing composition with melodic flute and soft strings. Sweet and romantic.

The Quiet Morning

Entspannend, romantisch, sanft, Flöte, Streicher.

Epic soundtrack with orchestra; great for trailers and cinematic projects.

False Flag

Militärisch, episch, orchestral, Krieg, Kampf.

Ethereal music track with acoustic solo piano that creates an emotional ambience.

Castles in the Air

Piano, traurig, romantisch, emotional, dramatisch.

Horse Race.

Horse Race

Orchester, süß, dynamisch, filmisch, fröhlich.

Orchestral soundtrack that invites fantasy and imagination, with soprano voice and children's choir.

A New World

Zauberhaft, Fantasy, Sopran, Kinderchor, emotional.

Emotional and dramatic soundtrack with strings, percussion and ethnic flute.

Red Desert

Dramatisch, kraftvoll, traurig, herzzerreißend, emotional.

Magical musical work, copyright free, with delicate and tinkling bells.


Glocken, zart, fantasievoll, magisch, geheimnisvoll.

Hybrid royalty free music featuring vintage guitar, synthesizers and powerful percussion.

White City, Black City

Urban, filmisch, synth, elektronisch, modern.

Hybrid royalty free music featuring vintage guitar, synthesizers and powerful percussion.

Unexpected Directions

Fantasy, Epos, Orchester, Glocken, Sänger, emotional.