Lizenzfreie Filmmusik

Alle Tracks sind kostenlos und bereit zur Nutzung für private wie auch kommerzielle Projekte. Laden Sie lizenzfreie cineastische Musik, inspirierende Film-Scores und Soundtracks für Filme, Dokumentationen und unvergessliche Trailer herunter.


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"The Wild Side", Musik von
Gesponserte Tracks von PremiumBeat: 10% Rabatt - Gutschein FIFTYSOUNDS

Enchanted Forest.

Enchanted Forest

Magische, verträumt, emotional, Fantasy.

For a Reason

For a Reason

Romantisch, Liebe, Orchester, emotional.



Thriller, Suspense, Angst, Trailer, düster.

Romantic and relaxing track with soft flute, delicate harp and underlying strings.

The Heart of the World

Entspannend, romantisch, umweltfreundlich, Zart.

Powerful cinematic composition suitable for trailers and epic films.


Kraftvoll, Orchester, Streicher, dramatisch.

Emotive and romantic music score for orchestra.

Beyond the Stars

Emotional, süss, romantisch, Orchester, Klassik.

Powerful epic track for trailers, with synths, choir, percussion and orchestra.


Kraftvoll, episch, Film, Krieg, Chor, Videospiel.

Romantic soundtrack with acoustic piano and strings.

Under the Skin

Romantisch, emotional, Klavier, Streicher.

Fantasy music with sweet bells, emotional orchestra and children's choir.

Sweet Dreams

Fantasie, Kinder, magisch, Glocken, süss.

Dynamic soundtrack, classic style, with strings, flutes and harp.

River of Time

Dynamisch, Soundtrack, klassisch, Streicher.

Strings soundtrack.

Crossing the Universe

Minimalistisch, Streicher, episch, emotional.

Romantic track with acoustic piano and violin.

Just a Place

Akustik, Piano, Violine, Soundtrack, emotional.

Powerful minimalist score with orchestra.

Wrong Answer

Spaß, Pizzicatos, Glocken, Kinderchor.

Magical soundtrack suitable for fantasy videos, trailers and creative projects.

Age of Challenges

Magisch, filmisch, Fantasy, Glockenspiel, episch.

Relaxing soundtrack with strings.


Weich, entspannend, zart, inspirierend, zart.

Creepy soundtrack with orchestra and synths. Great for Halloween videos!


Gruselig, Halloween, kraftvoll, episch, Krieg.

The Room.

The Room

Episch, Chor, imposant, angstvoll, gruselig.

Magical soundtrack featuring soft bells, orchestra and children's choir.

Looking at the Stars

Weihnachten, Soundtrack, Magisch, Kinder.

Emotive soundtrack with female voice, piano and strings; for drama and romance.

So Many Years

Langsam, entspannend, zart, süß, emotional.

Beautiful classical score with mezzo-soprano.


Lyrisch, weiblich, Ruhe, Eleganz, Orchester.

Hollywood style score for comedy films, documentaries and advertising..

Biting Irony

Comedy, lustig, fröhlich, komisch, Orchester.

Happy soundtrack with pizzicatos, oboe, basson and percussion. For comedy!

Route 66

Hybrid, Klavier, Gitarre, Percussion, Pop.

Magical and dynamic score with orchestra, xylophone and children's choir.

The Little Magicians

Verträumt, Kinder, magisch, dynamisch, Fantasie.

Nostalgic soundtrack with strings. Suitable for dramatic films and trailers.

About Life

Nostalgisch, romantisch, Liebe, Romantik, ruhig.